Harley Race is generally recognized as one of the NWA's greats, wowing crowds with a winning combination of strength (he slammed Andre the Giant years before Hulk Hogan did), charisma, sheer toughness and legit wrestling ability. But while he's usually classified as a mat wrestler, Harley Race wasn't afraid of taking to the skies either, as he was the innovator - allegedly on accident - of the Diving Headbutt.
Years later, Race would begrudgingly admit that he regretted inventing the move on account of the damage it dealt to later wrestlers who adopted it. Race's friend, Dynamite Kid used the maneuver, delivering it to opponents lying on concrete floors and other less forgiving surfaces, and the damage done to his neck (along with years of crazy aggressive steroid and painkiller abuse) put the once phenomenal wrestler into a wheelchair. With another talented wrestler the results were even more tragic, however, as between his signature Diving Headbutts, chair shots and countless concussions,Chris Benoit sustained serious brain damage over the course of his career, which no doubt played some role in the murder of his family and the wrestler's subsequent suicide.